Why are GOLD and SILVER being controlled by Central Banks?

The GOLD and SILVER prices are being controlled

The banking system is up to something with GOLD and SILVER

Everything settles through the world in U.S. DOLLARS and there are nations right now that are coordinating financial strategies (to put it kindly) against the Beast government tied in many ways with creating loads of monetary mischief with the Central Banking cartel.  The pressure between various larger countries are beginning to build and the hatred against the West and especially the U.S.A. is rising.  

I think it's fair to say that we are about to see some nations rise up against nations and things are going to start to explode.  The bubbles are reaching their breaking point with all the geopolitical and worldwide economic conflict and how the rich men have oppressed the hire of the laborers worldwide:

There are quite a few new reports and interviews that are up today and it would do well to take heed to what is being discussed here.  If you have any COMMENTS or SUGGESTIONS and OPINIONS on these matters please post below while there's still the freedom to do so.  Here at the News UNIT I welcome your opinion to which you are entitled:  

Here's some FEDERAL RESERVE supporters from CCTV:


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