Does Hillary Clinton dispose of her enemies?

The trail of dead bodies:

Maybe she is a Jezebel?

A source of mine in time past from the Pentagon used to tell me how her and Bill used to come over to the Pentagon helipad and control tower and have arguments during the Monica debacle.  Hillary used to threaten Bill and yell at him and these Army personnel would hear her threats.  They would have a shouting match at the base of the control tower there and then he would come up to the tower to hang out and watch women with a few of the controllers there and talk shit with the Army boys.  They couldn't talk to him however and had to just sit there and say, "Yes sir!"  Unfortunately these guys were too young to pay attention to what her threats were in regards to politics at that time.  They only thought it was funny to hear the president get in verbal fights with his wife and then come up to the tower to talk shit about the women who were out jogging down the GW Parkway. 

Oh and by the way:  I used to work at Washington National Airport and I remember how things used to be prior to 9-11.   It was actually better back then and this government has changed for the worse now.  I don't know what we have now but we have a load of criminals that get away with it.  I just hope some of these conspiracy theories don't come to pass but they probably will eventually:

So the Clintons are powerful people and have many powerful people behind them.  Trump may be in league with her and this is all a show to entertain all of us dumb American sheep on the receiving end of all their shit.  It's only going to get worse but I'm trusting Christ through it all even though we have more of them that believe not and even many who masquerade as Christians: 


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