Is everyone today a liar or an actor? Or both?

People of the lie are many...

...and they are hard at work to overthrow the faith of some:

Here's an old book by a past liar who was an American Psychiatrist who died in 2005:

I said in my haste, All men are liars.
--PSALM 116.11

Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.
--Colossians 2.8

Some serious problems are ahead and are already here.  I think it might be soon too late to preach the gospel of Christ for most everyone has rejected it and perhaps God has now given many over to a reprobate mind. 

I ran across this video concerning liars and actors today and much of what I have been considering on YOU TUBE is lining up with nothing but liars and actors.  For instance I know from what the man Alex Jones has said about himself is that he in an actor.  There are many more actors but the obvious ones are Alex Jones and Jesse Ventura.  And so this video below (by I believe another actor and liar) seems to reveal some truth in this present and evil situation going on throughout the entire world.   And having thus said let me ask the reader if they think there is a way to find any truth in the news today?

I want to make it clear that I don't write this to trouble anyone but I write it to warn them.  Especially those that are in the category of belief on our God and Saviour Jesus Christ.  Those who are in that category are known to me as THEM THAT BELIEVE.  The other category are THEM THAT BELIEVE NOT.  And regardless of how good or educated and convincing people may sound there is a very strong deception today unlike ever before and it may be preceding God's strong delusion according to the scriptures that is soon to follow.

We are currently in a great falling away spiritually and by spiritually I mean rejection of the true God and eternal life.  There is much spirituality today however that is full of deception and at times appears rather truthful.  This is the work of Satan and the work of lying wonders that will unfold as the scriptures are fulfilled in these last days preceding the day of Christ.

For those of you who trifle with the word of God and are liars and actors yourselves you are in a very dangerous place.  Perhaps you don't care and have become content as one of THEM THAT BELIEVE NOT thinking that all is well with you in your own learning and erudition that you have achieved and you even come across as some great one with alleged logic and reason attached to your earthly, sensual, and devilish wisdom of men.   Some of you even call yourselves Christians and prophets and prophetesses but you are exhibitionists and only have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof. 

The point is this we are in very perilous times for those who do not have the mind of Christ.  If you have a renewed mind in Christ Jesus you understand. If you do not have a renewed mind in Christ Jesus then you likely do not even understand what I say here and very often you shall heap to yourselves teachers having itching ears.  There are many turning from the truth today unto fables even according to the scripture for the scripture must needs be fulfilled:

How far does all this lying really go on this prison planet?  It goes rather far actually and there is evidence that it is a very large and complex labyrinth of vain talkers and deceivers.   But they shall eventually go to their own place:

But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

When you watch this video below you have to consider whether this man is also a liar and an actor even if he is telling some truth mixed along with the lies:


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