The Sprituality of Mt. Shasta in California

What's going on with Mt. Shasta?


ANSWER:  More than I realized:

Are you an awakened truther or patriot?

The Chakra of Mt. Shasta

Mt. Shasta is the portal to other dimensions

Guidance from interdimensional beings is coming:

Maybe this is the GIANTS IN THE EARTH that Steve Quayle is warning about?  Perhaps some of these people are mixing their seed with the fallen angels?  It really is getting wicked folks!  And even Jesus is mentioned at times:

Maybe this is why we have all this MANDELA EFFECT and FLAT EARTH phenomena going on and all this spiritual new age awakening into the new paradigm shift or this new consciousness going on.  I was wondering why Dave Acton was on his survival bug-out mission around this Mr. Shasta region the last several weeks.  Perhaps there is more to this than we realize as people are preparing spiritually for the coming collapse?

Methinks this has to do with GAIA and MOTHER EARTH worship

But lets find out more shall we?

Christ consciousness energy?  What?

Dave Acton refers very often to various things I never heard of such as:
  • Hypothetical and theoretical psychic paintball
  • synthetic reality
  • A "SNAG" or Sensitive New Age Guy
  • Complex SHTF terminology 
  • The concept of "YOU LOSE!"  
Learn more on the road with Dave Acton.  I'm learning too: 

And furthermore I just came across this HYBRID GIRL (she calls herself) and she's quite dedicated in this new quest for spirituality and has some information about Mr. Shasta:

Must be some kind of COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS going on where everyone is spreading all this ENERGY and INFORMATION abroad to prepare for the NEW PARADIGM or however this is described?  Do you get it?  Sounds quite a bit like babbling to me:

Check out Bridget Nielsen teach us this new spirituality and discernment:


In closing I could put more videos up here but I think there are many more of these SPIRITUAL HYBRID BEINGS being transformed into their NEW CONSCIOUSNESS.  And I believe I have DISCERNMENT of what this actually is.  It is God's STRONG DELUSION.  Enjoy--I won't be taking part in this dimension but rather await my redeemer the Lord Jesus Christ:

Seems like many Californians are getting all these GOOD VIBRATIONS and have been for years.  Perhaps this form of WITCHCRAFT and SORCERY has been around for a while but is becoming receptive more as God's STRONG DELUSION sets it.  GET YOUR GOOD VIBRATIONS and FILL UP YOUR CUP:

And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.


I'm guessing Mt. Shasta is quite the place.  It would be my observation that this is a place that TAKES POWERFUL PEOPLE TO POWERFUL PLACES as shown in the Sacred Voyages LINK below.  It's probably a playground for all the deceived people who claim to be so enlightened in some kind of new reality or paradigm shift or new consciousness.  They have all manner of descriptive terminology associated with their new age spirituality.


I have to admit though that these SNAG's really know how to be prepared:


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